Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Crazy Family: Raisin and Little Bit

As many of you know, I picked up a little dog on my long walk around Texas. I named her Raisin, and she regularly pesters the members of this household for walks and extra servings of food.
A few weeks ago, I heard crying outside my window all through the night. I finally investigated in the morning and discovered a little kitten near my neighbor's side door. I took her in, and she's been with us ever since.
I was a little scared by how excited Raisin was to have another animal in the house. It was akin to a kid's excitement over getting a stuffed animal that could also run, talk, and play. In short, my dog went nuts.
Oddly, the kitten did not freak out, and further she actually seemed to enjoy the torments my dog originally put her through. The kitten went a step further and went on the offensive! I was nervous at first, often separating the two, but now they both play regularly and unmonitored.
My mom, who was pretty much against the kitten, was the one to name her Little Bit. She is allergic to cats and doesn't play with her at all, but my dad makes up for that. I caught him playing with Little Bit by hanging his belt from high and letting her chase it.
So now we are a family of three humans and two animals. Who knows? Maybe one day it'll go up to 50-50.